Monday, April 14, 2014

The Preview to The Finale

This class has been a great preview in what is yet to come for me as a teacher. I am getting ready to take the Praxis this summer, and I applying for the program in the fall. I am half way there and can't believe how far I have come. There is finally light at the end of the tunnel.  I can't wait to enter the teaching program. My family comes from a long line of artists, and although I have the talent I don't have the desire. My creativity will come in my methods of teaching.

The Finale will only come on the day I decide to retire. Graduation will be the beginning of great new journey. I will have accomplished part of my goal. Later on down the road I will go on to get my masters, and then my PhD. All my life it seems that I have had obstacles to overcome, and by now I would have quit. This not to say that I still have anxiety about certain things, but now I have the tools to overcome some of these fears.

I just want to say Thank You Dr. Rasmussen for his encouragement and his great teaching methods. I hope someday to be a great educator like him. His class has been one of my favorites thus far, and I hope to take more classes from him in the near future. Until next time my journey will continue, and maybe even this blog!!!

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